There is always a good reason why we are built the way we are. So we feel pain in order to take protective actions against the pain... we feel cold in order to ensure we keep ourselves warm and protected against getting ill and when you do not feel anything you do not take preventive actions until it is too late - so you are stuck in bed on a Saturday evening unable to do anything other than read or type a blog if you are an extrovert reaching out for sympathy.
So here I was reading the article by Gary Stix about "Jacking into the Brain". The article talks about a movie that is being made "The Singularity is Near" which talks about achieving immortality "by transferring a digital blueprint of the brain into the computer or robot". He then likens this to an "avatar trapped inside a television set". He also talks about "transfer of self" to this avatar and "shifting internal emotional palette" constantly.
All of a sudden, the avatar I had created in yahoo popped up in my mind. Is this the avatar that I really would like to be associated with my immortal footprint that I leave behind? If I think about "leaving" a footprint behind, is that immortality? - is immortality again linked to the Phases in our life? Then again, being a Hindu and believing that we are born again aren't we already talking about immortality? I wondered whether I can chose which type of "data" about myself I could transfer to this avatar.

Similar to the procedure when I created the avatar in yahoo - or the "Wi" where we chose a desired hair style and colour could even the emotional blueprint be decided and chosen? If so, the immortal one that I leave behind could be a desired state that I leave behind.
I come from a country where trying to achieve Immortality is built into all the mythological work as well as into the religion itself. The Dasavatharam talks about the churning of the ocean, Ksheera Sagara, by the asuras(demons) and the devas (gods) to get the "Amrutham" (in malayalam), the nectar that ensures immortality. All the saints and the yogis pray with great devotion for years and many seek to attain immortality. Here atleast Immortality sought was purely with the intention of always living and since this was not solved, there was no question of chosing what form of oneself you wanted transmitted.
From all those literature and thoughtful times we have reached an actionable state - we are an action based generation now thinking of transferring dreams into concrete actionable items to be solved through scientific means. Now we are putting in place Science "still fiction" concepts. Knowing that a lot of science fiction written decades ago are now reality, I am beginning to now think we are not far from attaining this immortality - though immortality is just a question of how we define it.
The article also talks about downloading information into the brain from other sources - downloading "War and Peace" or "how to fly a helicopter" into the brain and connecting the neural networks to use this information. Is this language dependent? Suddenly I felt like even biology and biological research was becoming more like an enterprise software development project with similar issues and questions coming up. The thought of end-to-end processes being looked into and benefits of what should be downloaded in which format or language. The power of the new generation of thinking suddenly stood out in my mind. Computers were built to deal with issues and to automate and the same theory was being used to now understand the ultimate computer.
Suddenly I started feeling uncomfortable and longed for the articles on Particle Physics where people are still searching for things that we do not even know exist and which could be used to not only explain how things are working but also find new ways to use these possible "things to be found" for new research to find even newer things - a never ending loop and a never ending hope. Just a pure immortality of research that keeps on going.
So here are all the thoughts which are hardly coherent and I shall not even strive to make it coherent - so after sometime of jumping from one thought to another I decided that my brain is just getting stressed - there was no download of structured information created by someone else into my brain - so not being structured even in my healthy moments, I decided to abandon the effort to get structured this evening. After all, in future, I can just download all this structured and written by a thoughtful structured person directly into my avatar's head or perhaps it could be that even this incoherent post could be downloaded and the neurons could be wired in a way that this can be structured automatically. We have really become a very computerized world .. sigh.
And finally, let me tell you that it is frustrating to google for "Dasavatharam" as in its original form from the mythological story or religious texts and find instead only links to a movie by Kamalahasan.